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Electric vehicle


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this page presents most advanced model of electric vehicle that can be buy at available factory prices

In today's world buying a Electric vehicle is the right decision. The technique on electric, environmentally friendly engine has great potential in the 21st century, and will inevitably displace the internal combustion engine. In the catalog are available for purchase: Segways, electric bikes, electric scooters, the electric motorcycles, electrogrooving, parts for electric vehicle and more.

Buying an electric vehicle from us, you receive the following benefits:


High-quality products and warranty service.

the lowest price for the technique and advanced equipment.

In most cases, certain models are attached gifts.

Full warranty and post-warranty service of transport in certified service centers.

Free delivery of equipment for the city of Moscow and the nearest Moscow suburbs.

Delivery all over Russia, which during the passage of the free shares.

services for the selection and delivery

We provide services for our equipment, delivery, maintenance, and repair. Sale of electric vehicles directly from major manufacturers: Sur-Ron, Airwheel, Hoverbot, Xiaomi and the other at the lowest prices. Will also help you to sell your electric vehicle new or used.u.. we invite you to read, select, and purchase electric vehicles for Tehclub.

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