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Purchase of equipment on lease

On the website Tehclub you can choose and buy planes and helicopters on lease on favorable terms

Leasing is one of the main financial instruments for renewing airlines' aircraft fleets. Renovation of aircraft fleets requires serious capital investments. Leasing, on the other hand, allows you to distribute costs for up to 10 years, which makes it an effective financial instrument. From January 1, 2020, a 0% VAT rate applies to aircraft leasing. To apply the exemption, such aircraft must be registered or be subject to registration in the State Register of Civil Aircraft of the Russian Federation. Import of civil aircraft to Russia is also exempt from VAT, which allows you to choose the best price / quality option.

Also, if you need leasing of expensive leased items - leave a request and we will contact you. Leaving an application, you must understand that the leasing company will be able to finance a legal entity or individual in excellent financial condition (which will need to be documented). You should already have the funds to pay off monthly payments from an ongoing activity, an income contract or a stable high income from existing assets.

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