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Railway transport


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The site was created as a platform where anyone can buy and sell any equipment, including railway transport. In this section of the catalog you can buy railway cars, diesel locomotives, cranes, tanks, locomotives and other railway vehicles. Representatives of the railway industry constantly visit the site and update the information in the catalogue.

What can be bought and sold in this section from railway equipment:

  • railway cranes;
  • railway tanks;
  • locomotives;
  • electric locomotives;
  • diesel locomotives;
  • electric diesel locomotives;
  • railway platforms;
  • track repair vehicles;
  • passenger cars;
  • components and spare parts;
  • other railway transport.

On the site, owners can sell any railway equipment, for example, a diesel locomotive, at a favorable price. To submit a free ad, just click the button "Sell ​​equipment" and indicate the section for publication. The name must be indicated and a detailed description of the proposed product must be drawn up. For example, if a used car and price are offered for sale, then it is recommended to attach high-quality photographs to the technical description in order to attract interested customers. Clear description and cost indicated within the market increases the likelihood of a sale.

Buy railway cars.

The share of railway transport today in the total volume of cargo transportation is more than 80%, making the sale of cars extremely in demand. You can buy used ones on the website. or a new freight car of various years of production.

The catalog presents various railway cars at competitive prices:

  1. Covered wagons will protect the transported cargo from damage and bad weather. You can choose a universal or special option (for example, for transporting cars, livestock).
  2. Gondola cars are most in demand for transporting bulk cargo. The open top allows you to transport any goods that are not afraid of precipitation and possible damage.
  3. Refrigerated trucks will deliver cargo that requires a special temperature regime or perishable goods to its destination.
  4. Hoppers - they are characterized by the presence of a special hatch at the bottom. Such cars are designed for transporting bulk materials, and the hatch allows you to quickly unload the car without involving loaders. Among the hoppers there are open and closed options.
  5. Dump cars - their sides fold down and the body tilts, making it easier to empty the cargo. These cars may be called dump cars.

Cars are sold directly from the owners. The buyer selects the necessary railway equipment based on the weight of the goods, its purpose and transportation characteristics.

In addition to wagons, the Tehclub catalog offers the purchase of a diesel locomotive, a locomotive and a full range of spare parts for repairs.

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