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Vintage and collectible cars


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implementation of the classic and rare models.

One of the priority directions of the company «Tehclub” is selling vintage and exclusive brands. Fans of classic models will appreciate the rare items presented in our catalogue. Our specialists are ready to assist in the process of acquiring/marketing of any car. Buy retro car imported or machine Soviet times possible after prior registration. The solution to the problem with delivery from any corner of the globe and the resolution of financial issues, the company's specialists will take. will Select the most relevant options and agree on the price. If you want to sell a vintage car - send it for publication at any time. it's No secret that the new car purchased a few minutes ago, leaving the dealership, plummeted in value. Its price reduced from on the order of 15-20%. However, after a certain time the price of some models increases several times. The best investment over the past 10 years are rare models of cars. “Bloomberg" - one of the leading providers of financial information noted that the collectible models can earn very well. Net profit in the amount of 500% is hard to obtain in another way. Even in the sale of fine wines that are many years old and selling real estate in a prestigious area such yield to almost impossible. 2018 indices old cars According to statistics published in 5 and 10-year periods as of the first quarter of 2018, investments in the classical model cars amounted to 117 and 362% of revenue. This information provided by the Agency “Knight Frank’. On Retro cars potential profit is much higher in comparison with other investment projects - buying gold or buying real estate abroad. it is Worth noting that the global market for the sale of old luxury cars, steady pace moving forward. Over the past decade, the number of rare items offered for sale significantly increased. According to analysts, the growth slowdown in the coming years is not expected. British bankers ranked the most profitable investment. The top position is a purchase of vintage cars. let's Summarize. It turns out, most successful investment to date is to buy a classic car. If you are a big connoisseur of vintage cars of the era of Soviet times or want to become the owner of the car imported, welcome to contact us! We will be glad to help in the purchase of any model at a reasonable price.

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