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armored personnel carrier


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Buy a conversion armored personnel carrier for civilian use.

Today in Russia everyone can become the owner of a real armored personnel carrier, albeit in a demilitarized version. But it is necessary to understand that the purchase must be made absolutely legally. Then there will be no problems with the law in the future.

The catalog contains the following demilitarized armored personnel carriers (APCs) for sale:

BTR-40, BTR-60, BTR-70, BTR-80, BTR-82, BTR-152.

Buying an armored personnel carrier cheaply – myth or reality?

There are a lot of rumors in society about a lot of advertisements on the Internet offering to buy a real army armored personnel carrier in excellent condition for pennies. Every sane person understands that no one will simply sell military equipment to civilians, even after demilitarization, and the import of such equipment, even if it is 50-70 years old, is prohibited. You should not expect that the price of an armored personnel carrier will be comparable to the cost of a used ZIL. There are other problems too. All the proposed demilitarized equipment was produced back in Soviet times. Accordingly, its technical condition is not the best, and spare parts are very rare. It's really difficult to get them. In conditions where the law looks with suspicion at any transactions related to the trade in parts suitable for use in military equipment, an ordinary person may simply be refused sale. As a result, the repair of armored personnel carriers for a private individual turns into a real epic, akin to a feat.

How to buy an armored personnel carrier

Today, operating armored factories sell their products only to government agencies. A private owner can buy armored personnel carriers exclusively from companies that purchase scrap metal. As a result, the private individual actually purchases scrap rather than a vehicle. Moreover, the price of an armored personnel carrier will not be a penny, and for a car in more or less decent condition, allowing it to move independently, you will have to pay several hundred thousand rubles. The Tehclub company specializes in the sale, repair and subsequent modernization of demilitarized armored vehicles. All equipment presented for sale has a “white” history.

Spare parts for armored personnel carriers

The supply of spare parts for armored personnel carriers and other armored vehicles faces great difficulties, so our customers are the first to receive information about the arrival of certain parts. Due to this, your armored personnel carrier will be easier to maintain in working condition.

Armored personnel carriers are demilitarized

Please note that all equipment presented in the assortment is demilitarized and can only be used for civilian purposes.Also on the Tehclub website there are corresponding sections of the catalog where you can choose at a good price andbuy a Tank,buy BRDMиbuy a Cannonfor a patriotic park or history museum.

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