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The hovercraft


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Now to buy a hovercraft is not difficult. Choose any model in the catalog.

Buy aerolatte easy, leaving the application on the website Tehclub. The hovercraft (SVP) — a type of vessel with dynamic principle of support, which can move over water or a solid surface (amphibious hovercraft) a short distance above them, on the so-called air cushion formed is injected under the bottom of the vessel by the air. as a mover hovercrafts commonly used propeller. Another way to create momentum — tilt most airbag, limited in application to smaller vessels. airbag — the layer of compressed air under the bottom of the craft, which lifts it above the surface of the water or land. The lack of friction on the surface allows to reduce the resistance to movement. The height of the rise depends on the ability of such vessel to move over various obstacles on land or over the waves on the water.

Your attention is the list of ships and hovercrafts.

Advantages the Main advantages of hovercraft is speed, the ability to move in shallow water and leave on unequipped coast; the Navigation period of this type of fleet is completely unlimited — the court can go in both the summer and winter seasons. Hovercraft — the only transport that can be used in the ice drift period. depending on the size of the court and can cover ledges between 0.4 to 1.0 meters, to overcome short ascents with a grade of up to 40 degrees and prolonged to 15 degrees. hovercraft moving in the air and only partially in contact with the water, hence have a relatively high fuel efficiency, able to work effectively on mountain rivers with fast current. If you are interested in hovercraft, visit also the section boats for sale.

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