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Robinson Helicopters


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Catalog of Robinson helicopters for sale

Robinson - the most popular and popular light multi-purpose rotorcraft in the world produced by an American plantRobinson Helicopter Company. Currently, the four-seater R44 helicopter, which is quite reasonably priced, is the best-selling helicopter all over the world.

Prices for Robinson Helicopters

The website sells helicopters of the following modifications at prices ranging from 3 million rubles to 90 million rubles, depending on condition and configuration:

  • Robinson R22
  • Robinson R44
  • Robinson R66

More and more people are deciding to buy a Robinson helicopter. Indeed, at a relatively low speed, the machines developed by Robinson Helicopter have excellent flight characteristics and are characterized by unsurpassed reliability and efficiency. Modern light helicopters can easily use regular automobile gasoline as fuel. In order to buy a helicopter, you will need to provide the registration authority with a package of relevant documents. But essentially, registering a private helicopter is quite simple.

Sale of Robinson Helicopters new and used. on "Techclub". Buy a Robinson helicopter from an authorized dealer or owner-operator of the helicopter.

Do you want to sell a Robinson helicopter?Publish your helicopter on a convenient website with high traffic and target audience for free! Simple enoughPost an ad about selling a Robinson helicopter by filling out the form, and many helicopter pilot buyers will immediately see it on the site!

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