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Helicopter AgustaWestland AW139

13 000 000 $

Vendor code: 29881 01 November 6394 261

Helicopter AgustaWestland AW139, 2013 y.

Vendor code: 29881 01 November 6394 261

13 000 000 $

Helicopter AgustaWestland AW139

This AW139 helicopter was produced for sale in Russia, and is also suitable for the CIS countries, Africa, Brazil and other countries. Not suitable for sale in the US and EU.

Total flight time: 398 hours.


  • Incrased Gross Weight - 6,800 KG
  • Air Conditioning System
  • Super Silent Soundproofing
  • Wire Strike Protection System
  • Passenger Cabin Hinged
  • Doors Anti-icing System


  • Manufacturer: Model:
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67C


  • 2 + 6 Leather Seats, VIP Configuration
  • Conversion Kit for 8 Passengers


Honeywell Primus Epic System 2 PFDs 2 MFDs One Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS) Two Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRSs) Two Air Data Modules (ADMs) Two flux valves Two Display Controllers (DCs) Two Cursor Control Devices (CCDs) One Reversion Control Panel (RCP) One Display Dimming Control Panel (DCP) One Stability Augmentation System (SAS) control panel Two Remote Instrument Controllers (RICs) Two Modular Avionic Units (MAUs) with the following systems and functions: Vehicle Monitoring System - VMS (dual ) Monitor Warning System - MWS (dual) Aural Warning Generator - A WG (single) Central Maintenance Computer - CMC (single) 4-Axis Digital Automatic Flight Control System - DAFCS Basic Provision for CVR/FDR data interface (single) Flight Director System (dual) Pilot and co-pilot headsets Pilot and co-pilot interphone control - (cyclic grip and floor switches) Left Modular Radio Cabinet (MRC) with the following modules: One VHF Comm One VOR/LOC/GS/MB
Right Modular Radio Cabinet (MRC) with the following modules: One VHF Comm One Mode-S diversity transponder One VOR/LOC/GS/MB One ADF One DME Two pedestal mounted MCDU 1st Radar Altimeter (RT-300) 2nd Radar Altimeter System ( RT-300) Emergency Locator Transmitter One Flight Guidance Controller Honeywell GPS module with FPMS Pilot and co-pilot digital audio panels Pilot clock (digital) Co-pilot clock (digital) One magnetic compass One Outside Air Temperature Indicator Two Master Warning Lights Two Master Caution Lights (MCL) Engine 1 Fire Light Engine 2 Fire Light Baggage compartment smoke detector light Dual electrical power connection for CVR/FDR Cockpit Voice Recorder & Flight Data Recorder (CVR/FDR)


Passenger cabin hinged doors (RH and LH) "Roundy" Cabinet + Entertainment package (including CD/DVD player; 2 display 17" LCD) + Jet map Main rotor blades high visibility painting Approach plates chart holders with lights for pilot and co-pilot Windshield washing system 5th display in cockpit (stand-alone) ADF 2nd unit (Fully installed) Auxiliary heavy duty battery 27 Ah (in lieu of 13 Ah) Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) (provision & removable) GPS, 2nd (provision and removable) HF/SSB Transceiver Primus HF-1 050 Honeywell provision Moving Map EuroNav V with standard aeronautical charts provision Moving Map EuroNav V (stand-alone) with standard aeronautical charts (removable) TCAS I KTA-970 Honeywell Bendix/King Provision TCAS I KTA-970 Honeywell Bendix/King removable Weather Radar Primus 660 Honeywell provision Weather Radar Primus 660 Honeywell removable Additional anti-collision light under fuselage Anti-icing system/combined accessory gear box Auxiliary transversal fuel tanks 132 USG provision Auxiliary transversal fuel tanks 132 USG removable Emergency floats provision Increased gross weight - 6.800 kg Life rafts (Qty 2) up to 17 passengers each provision Snow skids/slump protection pads provision Anti sinking pads removable (tow bar adapter included) Wire strike protection system SATCOM Aircell 3100 Russian certification kit


Pilot/ and co-pilot crashworthy seats (with inertial reels and safety belts) Cockpit dome/storm light Cockpit utility lights (2) 28V DC cockpit/cabin power outlet Cockpit panel sun-glare shields Overhead cockpit windows sunshades Fluorescent lighted emergency exit signs Cockpit map and data case in central console Two flashlights for pilot and co-pilot Map and data cases in pilot and co-pilot doors ICS panel with plug for one headset Air ventilation system First aid kit Conversion kit for 8 passengers 2 armchairs leather covered (with inertial reels sliding inflight direction, reclining backrest and separate 4 points safety belts) Comfortable seat leather covered (with safety belts and under-seat skirts) (Qty 4) Armrests leather covered for comfortable seats fwd. (Qty 3) Lateral armrest-cabinets leather covered with metal cup holder (Qty 2) Headsets Bose ANR type (Qty 6) Fashion cabinet with newspaper holder and air conditioning control panel Multipurpose Cubby with 3 sliding doors Separation wall leather and leatherette covered with manual sliding window and roll up curtain on pilots side Super Silent soundproofing Electrically operated pax steps (RH and LH) Nose landing gear doors Customized VIP cabin finishing Decoration trim Passenger carpet (high thickness) Air conditioning system P.A. (Passenger Address) system (including loudspeakers and safety belts lights) JCS in the cabin for all passengers Passenger cabin thermo acoustic tinted double layer windows Hydraulic pulsation dampeners Active Vibration Control System Provision Sl Removable (AVCS) MGB Premium Grade Cyclic and collective leather gators ( same color as cabin interior) Cabin vertical handles metal finished on doorposts (Qty. 2) Alternate Current (AC) power outlet (28V) Coat Hooks (Qty. 4)


  • State: Used

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