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AS-350B3 helicopter

1 639 096 $

Vendor code: 29885 10 November 1267 26

Release Date: 10/24/2012

File from the beginning of operation: 1942 hours 16 minutes

Resource residue in hours: 2057 hours 44 minutes

Main characteristics:

Maximum speed: 287 km / h

Cruising speed: 235 km / h

Salon dimensions d * w * in (m.): 2.42 * 1.65 * 1.35 meters

flight duration (h.): 4,31

Crew: 1-2 Pilot

Passenger capacity: 5-6 people


- Emergency radio station P855A1

- applied in Russian

- metric altimeter

- Honeywell KCS 55A gyrocompass with spatial position Honeywell Ki525A

- Emergency radio beacon Kannad 406 AF-H, battery until February 2025.

- Honeywell KCS 55A gyrocompass with spatial position Honeywell Ki525A

- Windshield Wipers

- Controls for the second instrument

- Radio Homesometer Thales AHV 16 - Mandatory Equipment for Flights according to the rules "PVP Night"

- Reserve Aviation Thales H321 ENM

- elongated front energy rails of pilots

Additional equipment:

- Alcantara salon / leather

- Additional DARTS 140 liters tank

- Autopilot Genesys

- The second airborne

- Additional controlled headlight

- Unablosed parts of the external suspension

- Digital Adahares

- Linens on the chassis

- Radio Altimeter


- Avionics Master Switch - Basic Switch Bugle Instrument Switches

- GYRO HORIZON KCS55A - ARGGORIZONT with sliding pointer

- STAND-BY COMPASS - Magnetic course pointer

- Gyro-Directional - Gyrocompas

- Course Deviation Indicator - Deviation Signpost from course

- Turn and Bank Indicator - Pointer of rotation and sliding

- VHF / VOR / LOC / GS - communication system (VHF radio station) VHF / VOR / LOC / GS (Transceiver VOR / VHF KX165A)

- VHF / VOR / LOC / GS / GPS - aerial navigation complex GNS 430 W (on-board GPS transport)

- TRANSPONDER (MODE A + C) - transponder (supports "A" and "C" modes) (Transponder GTX327)

- Altitude Encoder - coding device for recording height indicators

- Emergency Locator Transmitter (2 Frequencies) - Emergency Radiomaque (Two Frequencies)

- ICS + Passenger Interphone - Bullfighting device and passenger interference

- Altimeter In Meters - Metric High Powerometer

- Vertical Speed ​​Indic In 'M / S - Pointer of vertical speed per meter / sec

- Anemometer KMH - aircraft pointer km / hour

- Alticoder - High rise meter


- Antenna Tri Frequency Transceiver VOR / VHF KX165A - three-frequency radio station antenna

  • State: Used
  • Payment: Any form of payment
  • Documents: Sold with documents

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