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Aircraft L-42M Autopilot

323 467 $

Vendor code: 62913 30 August 12599 354

Aircraft L-42M Autopilot

The L-42M aircraft is a wonderful and safe aircraft. 200% of the landing area (water, land), sits on the field, on the snow (there is a video on the Internet). A good investment of capital, the value is constantly growing. In the aviation market, you can always get a seasonal job.

Flying 1200 hours.

SLG until July 2023.

Skis included!

Rotex-912 engines. Autopilot.

Tanks 320 liters, flight range 1700 km.

hangar storage.

L-42M - a four-seat all-composite amphibious aircraft with two PD Rotax 912ULS (2x100 hp) with three-bladed Airmaster variable-pitch propellers with electric drive, designed in accordance with international airworthiness standards FAR-23 and JAR-23. It is a further development of the L-42 amphibian operated since 2005 in the direction of improving the flight performance and performance of the aircraft.

  • State: Used
  • Payment: Any form of payment
  • Documents: Sold with documents

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