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Yak-18T aircraft

43 806 $

Vendor code: 28698 1583 2

Hauling with synthetics, painting, hauling cabin, air system revision, hose replacement, new Anno with gates, installation of standard for aircraft of this type of refinement (an additional electric fuel pump in front of the syringe, oil filter, faucet after an oil clock). The trunk is released from unnecessary equipment. 12V, USB sockets.

Working in the planner is unknown. The glider is trouble-free in good condition, corrosion does not have.

Engine - without repairs, in excellent condition, oil consumption is normal, does not flow.

Oil - Aeroslel W100.

Racks are not etched, dry.

Screw - repair, balancing.

Standard equipment, new headsets.

There are covers for a lantern, hood, screw, PVD.

Airplane is clothed, you can fly.

  • State: Used

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