Helicopter Mi-8MTV-1
Vendor code: 10964 28 September 3075 44
For sale helicopter Mi-8MTV-1, 1992 release, in excellent condition
Glider stats:
- SNE-1.396.2
- Landings 3.735
- PPR 4.9
Engine stats:
No. | Manufacturer | engine's type | SNE | PPR |
01 | MOTORSICH | TV3-117VM | 3.093,1 | 0,0 |
02 | MOTORSICH | TV3-117VM | 3.489,4 | 0,0 |
Statistics of the main units:
No. | Manufacturer | Product code | SNE | PPR |
carrier sleeve screws | Kazan Helicopters | 8-1930-000 | 0,0 | |
steering bushing screws | Kazan Helicopters | 246-3904-000 | 938,4 | 0,0 |
Main gearbox | Kazan Helicopters | VR-14 | 0,0 | |
Intermediate reducer | - | 8A-1515-000 | 4.503 | 4,9 |
tail gear | - | 246-1517-000 | 0,0 | |
tail shaft | - | 8A-1516-000 | 4,9 |
Статистика лопастей: Несущего screws и хвостового screws
No. | Manufacturer | Product code | SNE | Destination resource | Remainder |
P1 | UUAZ | 8AT-2710-000 | 0,0 | 2.000,0 | 2.000,0 |
P2 | UUAZ | 8AT-2710-000 | 0,0 | 2.000,0 | 2.000,0 |
P3 | UUAZ | 8AT-2710-000 | 0,0 | 2.000,0 | 2.000,0 |
P4 | UUAZ | 8AT-2710-000 | 0,0 | 2.000,0 | 2.000,0 |
P5 | UUAZ | 8AT-2710-000 | 0,0 | 2.000,0 | 2.000,0 |
C1 | Kazan Helicopters | 246-3925-00 | 0,0 | 1.000,0 | 1.000,0 |
How to get more information about the helicopter
Companies interested in purchasing an aircraft, please contact Tehclub with an official application. In response to which we will provide detailed information. An example of a request for a quotation is in the sectionDocumentation. IMPORTANT: An official request is made on the letterhead of the company (so that all the details are visible), certified by the signature of the general director and the seal. The following items must be listed (the more detailed the better, thank you for your understanding):
- Passing years of production of the purchased helicopter
- What is the intended use of the helicopter?
- Is there funding and a certain budget for the purchase
- Need a new, repair fund or CWR
- Какая страна эксплуатанта
- Availability of a certificate (SKP)
- Does the helicopter need additional special equipment
- State: Used
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