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FP-6, OK14A, UT-11M, HA197, TL-1, d.10

Price by request

Vendor code: 76527 28 1

FP-6, OK14A, UT-11M, HA197, TL-1, d.10

Vendor code: 76527 28 1

Price by request

Aviation parts and laboratory device

Aviation parts:

1. The filter of the network hopping. - total FP-6 (40 pcs.);

2. Product d.10 (330 pcs.);

3. Product OK14A (30pcs);

4. Electromechani UT-11M (4 pcs.);

5. The product GA197 (24 pcs.).

Laboratory device:

1. Laboratory thermometer Metal TL-1 (200 pcs.).

  • State: New
  • Documents: Sold with documents

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