BMW 326
Vendor code: 66104 16 September 3537 113
BMW 326 models
According to the data sheet, the year of manufacture is 1942.
The captured vehicle was picked up in 1944 near Chersonesos. It was restored from what was left, because... much that could have been removed was stolen. Engine GAZ 21 (85 horsepower, cannot be changed in the appendix), chassis GAZ 24. Externally, almost everything is original. The rear seat is original with armrests.
It is not known exactly how many BMW-321 cars were made in 1945. Werner Oswald and Eberhard Kittler put the figure at 68 in their book, but Soviet reports do not confirm it. The figures for 1946 differ by an order of magnitude: 1373 copies of the BMW-321 and 15 copies BMW-326 German historians, and in Soviet reports - only 646 cars without specifying the models, but implying “three hundred and twenty-first”. Another copy BMW-326 they mention it as collected in 1947 - a total of 16 “three hundred and twenty-sixths” in two years. By the way, at least one of them has survived.
- State: Used
- Payment: Any form of payment
- Documents: Sold with documents
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