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Fuselage of the An-2 aircraft, 1988

9 814 $

Vendor code: 104050 22 November 1756 63

Fuselage of An-2 aircraft

With documents and forms.

One of the last produced An-2, a glider produced in 1988. The plane is in perfect condition, with little flying time, all instruments and components are in place. The plane is sold without planes (wings), but with a fin and elevator. In theory, it can be restored through an aircraft factory to flying condition or used as a repair stock. It can also be used as a decorative element in a cafe, bar, questroom, or as a museum exhibit.

For the first time, the idea of ​​​​creating such a machine as the An-2, i.e., a multi-purpose short take-off and landing aircraft with a payload capacity of 1,000-1,500 kg. to serve hard-to-reach areas of the country, meet the needs of agriculture and use as a light military transport, O.K. Antonov in October 1940

At the same time, under his leadership, the design team of the Leningrad plant No. 23 developed a preliminary design called “Airplane No. 4”. The prototype for it, apparently, was the multi-purpose vehicle LIG-10, built by A.G. Bendunkovich at plant No. 23 in 1937 and successfully passed tests, but was not mass-produced.

  • State: Used
  • Payment: Any form of payment
  • Documents: Sold with documents

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