Vendor code: 6790 25 June 1448 22
GAZ-MM 1942 for sale.
Original - 90 percent. On the go, Bee. You can buy this unique GAZ-MM copy in the country at a bargain price by leaving a request on the Tehclub website.
GAZ-MM (one and a half) is a truck of the Gorky Automobile Plant with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons (1500 kg). It was a modernized version of the GAZ-AA lorry with a more powerful 50-horsepower GAZ-M engine, reinforced suspension, new steering and propeller shaft. The pre-war GAZ-MM had no external differences with the GAZ-AA model. Angular wings appear only on a simplified modification of the GAZ-MM-V of the military and post-war years.
Years of GAZ-MM production:
- on GAZ - 1938-1946,
- on UAZ - 1947-1949,
According to some reports, due to the shortage of M-1 engines (which went to three-axle GAZ-AAA and armored cars BA-10, the actual full-scale production of GAZ-MM began only in 1940, and ended in 1956 (perhaps in 1950-56 these were vehicles overhauled at UAZ).
- State: Used
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