Cannon ZiS-3 (replica)
Vendor code: 2664 04 July 3116 127
For sale is a 76-mm divisional gun, a replica of the 1942 model.
This high-quality layout is made according to the drawings of the original. Finding a professionally made copy is quite difficult, since there are not many such specialists at all. There are no original demilitarized ones anywhere, and if there is, then the price there will be exorbitant. We have a perfectly made replica in our list of replica vehicles, and it's ready for sale. The price is absolutely reasonable and market. The gun is perfect for a patriotic park, for installation on a pedestal, in a museum, or a collection.
Not a weapon, replica, for decorative use only. There are civil documents.
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Delivery is carried out by a transport company. Shipping cost according to tariffs to your Address.Transport companies can offer PEK, or Business Lines. You can pay for shipping yourself, or we can include it in the price of the goods.
We will make a replica of the equipment according to your application within the specified time
The quality is guaranteed, external compliance with the original in the region of 90%.
The 76-mm divisional gun USV (F-22USV) proved to be quite good in the Red Army in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. But the design of the gun was difficult to manufacture and, moreover, it was too heavy. Therefore, despite the positive combat and production qualities of the F-22, in the design bureau of plant No. 92 under the leadership of V. G. Grabin, it was considered a transitional model for a lighter and more technological divisional gun, which would also use a unitary shot from a 76-mm gun sample 1902/1930.
- State: New
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