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Spare parts for the Mi-8 helicopter

Price by request

Vendor code: 10085 06 September 4025 16

Tehclub has the capability to supply the following spare parts for helicopters Mi-8 and modifications:

number; Name; Year of issue; SNE/PPR; Repair date; who Repair; Price with VAT, RUB.


    1. The main rotor hub 1990 1364/0 03.2018 OZGA 4 200 000,00

    2. The main rotor hub 1988 1978/0 05.2018 OZGA 4 100 000,00

    3. The main rotor hub 1990 2876/0 02.2018 SPARK 4 000 000,00

    4. The main rotor hub 1988 876 06.2018 MARZ 4 200 000,00

    5. The main rotor hub 1983 2948 05.2018 SPARK 3 600 000,00

    6. Swash 1991 1498/0 01.2017 (MTB) DISTRICT 3 000 000,00

    7. Swash 1978 3628/0 05.2018 (Mi-8T) - DISTRICT 2 700 000,00

    8. Tail shaft 1980 1975/0 12.2016 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 100 000,00

    9. Tail shaft 1975 6993/0 01.2018 (Mi-8T) SPARK 1 150 000,00

    10. Tail shaft 1986 1500/0 09.2017 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 150 000,00

    11. Tail shaft 1981 1500/0 10.2016 (MTB) DISTRICT 1 200 000,00

    12. Tail shaft 1992 . 1770/0 03.2018 (MTB) DISTRICT 1 300 000,00

    13. Tail shaft 1986 8855 01.2018 (Mi-8T) SPARK 1 200 000.00

    14. Tail shaft 1990 7441 12.2017 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 250 000,00

    15. Tail shaft 1974 5739 04.2018 (Mi-8T) SPARK 1 150 000,00

    16. Tail shaft 1975 5036 04.2018 (Mi-8T) SPARK 1 150 000,00

    17. Tail gear 1995 2.148/0 03.2018 (MTB) DISTRICT 1 800 000,00

    18. The tail gearbox 1989 8493/0 10.2017 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 250 000,00

    19. The tail gearbox 1989 4754 07.2018 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 300 000,00

    20. Tail gear 1986 1073 06.2018 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 300 000,00

    21. Tail gear 1978 1110 07.2018 (Mi-8T) ST. 1 200 000,00

    22. Intermediate gearbox 1990 2818/0 03.2018 (MTV) ST. 650 000,00

    23. Fan 1978 1148/0 04.2014 MARZ 350 000,00

    24. Vibration damper 1991 2976/0 04.2018 DISTRICT 1 500 000,00

    25. Northstone (right) 04.1986 17231пос/0 02.2018 DISTRICT 1 100 000,00

    26. Northstone (right) 04.1984 19723пос/0 02.2018 AVE 950 000,00

    27. Northstone (left) 09.2010 2333пос/0 12.2017 ST. 1 800 000,00

    28. Northstone (left) 1987 11983пос/0 05.2018 DISTRICT 1 400 000,00

    29. Northstone (right) 1987 11983пос/0 05.2018 DISTRICT 1 400 000,00

    30. Northstone (right) 1990 2525пос/0 23.07.2018 DISTRICT 1 500 000,00

    31. Northstone (right) 1990 987пос/0 08.2018 DISTRICT 1 500 000,00

    32. Northstone (left) 1987 10036пос 08.2018 DISTRICT 1 400 000,00

    33. Lever northstone front chassis 1985 2987пос 06.2018 DISTRICT 1 400 000,00

    34. Lever northstone front chassis 1986 15660пос 07.2018 ST. 1 250 000,00

    35. BP-26 30.11.90 1221/335час. 2001 7 000 000,00

    36. VRV 90-3901-000 ser. 03 29.04.89 230 2 000 000,00

    37. BG-17 1991 1200 300 000,00

    38. BG-16 1991 1200 300 000,00

    39. Remfond: Radiator air / oil 2281Б 1993 3061час. 260 000,00

    40. Remfond: Radiator air / oil 2281Б 1992 5029час. 250 000,00

    41. Remfond: Radiator air / oil 2281Б 1989 9541 hour. 210 000,00

    42. Remfond: Intermediate gearbox 1987 7952час. 180 000,00

    43. Remfond: swash 8-1950-000 1988 4998час. Mi-8T 1 700 000,00

    44. Remfond: Automatic 1991 5273час. 1 700 000,00

    45. Remfond: Automatic skew 8-1950-000 1975 5986час. Mi-8T 1 300 000,00

    46. Remfond: Fan 6500час 1991. 100 000,00

    47. Remfond: Fan 1983 7499час. 80 000,00

    48. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 episode 02 1980 4140час. 900 000,00

    49. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 series 1979 4247час. 750 000,00

    50. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 series 1979 44297час. 750 000,00

    51. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 series 1979 4370час. 750 000,00

    52. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 series 1981 423 8 hours. 800 000,00

    53. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 series 1981 4466час. 800 000,00

    54. Remfond: Sleeve main rotor 8-1930-000 series 1983 4356час. 950 000,00

    55. Remfond: Pump regulator NR-3VM 1994 1242час. 1 100 000,00

    56. Remfond: Combined control unit RA-60B 1991 5986час. 120 000,00

to purchase to apply to Tehclub.

Call +7 (499) 391-58-07. Or send a request by e-mail [email protected]

  • State: Used

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