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Tank T-34-85, copy 1:1

46 210 $

Vendor code: 25314 10 June 21365 722

T-34-85 tank in 1:1 scale, model.

Steel frame covered with plywood. Fiberglass tower on a plywood-foam block. Production time 6 months.

The price of an outdoor metal product with delivery and installation will be around 8 million rubles. A lightweight option for installation on a pedestal or without access for “park visitors” can be completed in 4 months. Approximately 2 weeks for delivery and 1 week for installation. Material of execution – metal prefabricated frame, fiberglass, sheet metal, moisture-resistant plywood, other composite materials. Weight is approximately a ton. In this case, a crane will not be required; assembly will be done on site. Budget 4 million + 500 thousand delivery, installation.

Our full-size models can be used for exhibition purposes, monuments, decorations, strategic, tactical and military training purposes. As a rule, these products are lightweight, dismountable, repairable in “field” conditions, and transported by conventional transport. Thus, on a lightweight collapsible frame, various modifications of equipment can be implemented on one chassis, or products can be demonstrated for different target groups of buyers - military, civilian, special version.

  • State: Used

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